Private Equity Transaction Advice

As the Offshore zones law firm, we work alongside onshore counsel to advise on all types of private equity transactions involving Offshore zones corporate vehicles.

We have significant experience coordinating cross-border deals for our PE clients, in line with the fund investment strategy and compliance requirements. We assist PE funds and asset managers with management buy-out (MBO) and leveraged buy-out (LBO) deals.

Our Offshore zones attorneys also assist our PE clients plan their exit strategies, shareholder agreements and the sale of their portfolio to strategic as well as financial buyers, and have been highly successful in optimizing the returns and negotiating limited warranties and related insurance coverage.

We also assist our PE clients in their financing negotiations with mezzanine and senior lenders.

Our team is highly experienced in:
  • Fund formation
  • Tokenization of PE fund offerings
  • Investor Due Diligence
  • Portfolio Investments
  • Portfolio Investment Due Diligence
  • KYC/AML compliance
  • Project Management
  • Liquidation of PE fund
  • Exit (Sales, IPO Restructuring, Recapitalization)